Consumer Tickets
California Wines and the Consul General of the US, D. Brent Hardt, invite you to take an exploratory trip to California Wine Country and discover the many vintners and wineries of the Golden State. Soak up the sunshine during this educational, immersive walk-around tasting event that showcases more than 400 wines from California. During the two-and-a-half-hour experience, sample wines from many regions and appellations and meet with winery representatives to learn more about what makes their wines so special. There’s never been a better time to Taste California!
We have modified our event to allow for a more intimate one-on-one experience with our participating wineries.
How the California Wine Experience Works:
We recommend all of our guests arrive promptly at the start time. Upon arrival, your party will be assigned to a group with your own Golden State Tour Guide that will take you to your starting wine region of California. We recommend spending about 30 minutes to explore the 15-20 wineries from that region before moving on to the next The full tour of the Wine Experience will take 2 ½ hours.
The tasting room has been divided into the unique appellations or wine regions of California. Each regional area will feature small bites designed to pair with select varietals in that room. You will be able to savour the wines from California and enjoy the pairings along the tour.
How it works

By Region
Wineries are grouped into different areas in the larger tasting room according to the wine appellation or sub-region of California. We recommend spending about 30 minutes per region to meet with wineries and taste their wines. Every winery has brought a new to market discovery for you to try.

Join a group
To welcome everyone back, we're introducing an enhanced format that we think will set an example for years to come. The first thing that you will notice is that you will be part of a tasting group. Upon arrival your group will be led to your starting region by a Golden State Tour Guide. From there, explore the many diverse wine regions of Califronia at your own leisure.

Plan Your Tour
Once you are regitered you can use our site to plan your tasting by bookmarking a wine that you want to taste at the event. The wines will be automatically grouped showing your selections and location of the winery at the event. You can download your personal intinerary for your trip to California Wine Country at the event.

QR codes
Additionally, there will be QR codes at each winery table. When you scan the QR code, you will see the wines that you bookmarked to try along with details about the winery. You can add your tasting notes directly on your personal pages.

Take Notes
You can rate the wines with a simple 5 point star scale and also take notes directly in the website, which can be downloaded after the event and exported to Excel or a PDF for future reference.